Saturday, November 26, 2011

YES! He's there...

No matter how messed up and critical things get..there is always a little undying hope which tells us that everything will be all right..It isn't that bad as it seems...

But then, often it gets worse. Even though you've been really strong for a while.. at some point you get scared of the consequences..the present state and the possible outcomes...! Totally helpless and clueless!  Nothing seems to be in your hands anymore!

The omnipresent sacred soul then comes to your rescue..! Fully aware of the complexity of your situation you somehow tend to have faith in him..the belief that he's there and he just might be gracious enough to bestow his blessings upon you, merciful enough to open the new doors when everything else seems impossible..! 

You might not be lucky enough to witness a miracle, but that little prayer can offer you what you need the most at that time..peace of mind enabling ability to think clearly and act, and most importantly a restoration of that faith!! 

I believe that anything wished with pure heart and good intentions has the power to come true...the belief that God will lead you there just makes the journey easy!  :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Kuch aur"...

"गम  सब  की  ज़िन्दगी  में  हैं  लेकिन  दूसरों की  छोटी  सी  ख़ुशी  में  शामिल  होने  का  मज़ा ही  कुछ  और  है..
पास  नहीं  तो  क्या ..किसी  की  याद   में  मुस्कुराने   का  एहसास  ही  कुछ  और  है...
बारीश  सबको  भाती है  पर  उन  चंद   बूंदों   से   महकी   गीली   मिटटी   की   खुशबू  की बात  ही  कुछ  और  है ..
कितने  भी   नए   रिश्ते   बन   जाएँ  ..पर   पुराने   दोस्तों   से   मिलने   की   ख़ुशी  ही   कुछ   और  है ..
माँ  पापा   की   डांट  तो  सब  सुनते  है ..लेकिन  उनकी  एक  मुस्कराहट  का  कारण  बनने   का  मज़ा   ही  कुछ  और  है ..
शब्दों  के  जरिये  दिल   का  हाल  तो  सब  समझ   जाते   है..कोई  तुम्हारी  आँखें  पढ़  के सब  समझ  जाये  तो  बात  ही  कुछ  और  है ...
चाहे  जितना  आगे  बढ़  जाये  इस  तेज़  रफ़्तार  ज़िन्दगी  में ..दो  पल  रुक  कर  कुछ  ना  करने   का  मज़ा  ही  कुछ  और  है ........"

Monday, November 14, 2011

What a world it was...!

How beautiful that tiny world was...where getting our share of chocolate was justice..and achievement of the day was to win a cricket match or a game of ludo! Promises were always meant to be kept...friends were a part of our soul..exams were the only hurdles..little fights turned our world upside down..and that mischievous smile was never far away....! :)

I miss that innocence..that wittiness..the cute smile which even the eyes reflected..! 
Life followed some simple rules...Good and Bad were so well defined.. Good was when you helped others..Bad was when you tried to cheat or lie...School & homework were the only big tasks for the day..a fixed routine followed automatically..time to eat, time to play, time to sleep..!

The rules have been has changed...a lot! Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again..when ignorance was justified..mistakes were easily forgiven and  worrying about my future wasn't my responsibility at all..! Life was so simple back then...

There was a time when I wanted to grow up do all that which I couldn't being a kid..
Now, I miss those precious old days....

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love Yourself! :)

In this fierce competitive world, no one is ever contented with what they've got. Sometimes you tend to compare yourself with others..and often you tend to think that there is something wrong with you...

Lately I've realised that being inspired with someone is good..but losing your own self..your very identity in the due process of being someone you are not, trying to achieve something which is not meant for you..lands you in a place where the inner happiness is missing...

One thing which always helps me to get on the right track is when I realise my own importance. 
Thinking about what or why I did use!  Thinking about what will happen use! Yet..I do this often..
I "forgive" but usually I don't "forget" ...but then, I also accept the fact that as time passes by..even my memory tends to fade away the less important things..

The whole funda is "Love yourself"..trying to change yourself even though for your own sometimes not possible.! Coz u can't change the very trait of your personality..the very essence of YOU! 

No matter how clumsy, careless & undisciplined you matter how organised, perfect & punctual you are...everyone has their own way of doing things. You do it best when it is done your way..;)

Learn to face life being can be quite a task at times but when u do it...your way..the "I am what I am" feeling is really amazing! :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The sun has begin to bid an early "goodbye", dusk & dawn have become a little chilly...signs of onset of one of my favorite seasons!! 

The cold which sends a tingle through your body and you cant help shivering..and at that time "coffee" and "tea" become your buddies, giving you a heaven like feeling!
And when you just stay outside in the night..the icy wind touching your face makes it so numb that you are unable to feel your nose after a while...! I don't know why but I like this one the most..;)
Not to forget..the amazing feeling when you have an icecream...! :)

Foggy mornings..unwillingness to get out of my warm and snuggly quilt...kind of struggling to get ready..then sunlight brightening my day..welcoming me outside...the same sun that seemed scorching feeling soothing...and nights just getting a little longer..darker..and of course colder....!! I love it all..:)

Sunshine is delicious,rain is refreshing, wind braces you up, snow is exhilarating..!
Nature has the amazing capability of teaching us so many things! Of teaches us the importance of transitions in life. How boring and monotonous life would be if everyday you experience the same weather outside, for instance.  
"Changes" -they keep the spirit of living alive in us! And surprisingly, almost effortlessly we get accustomed to these changes..