Wednesday, July 27, 2011


You know what is the best part of your life? Every moment of it..Right from the naughty and playful childhood days when school was something you wanted to miss, holidays were like heaven with holiday homework seeming to be a the days when we leave school which then seems so lovely!!

And then College..that teenage life...friends to die for, crushes, love to live for..and then the realization that you are grown up now. Suddenly, you become aware that you need to be something, have your own identity..!!!

And during all these have those wonderful people around you that become a part of your little world..your FRIENDS!

Frankly speaking I never understood "friendship" for a long time..for me it was just some sort of companionship..but some very special people made me realise its much more than that..its precious! And those are the people whom I love, I trust, with them I can just be myself, for them I am an open book..and to them I dedicate this post..! 

Its for all those who keep on telling me "You are mad!" when i do something wrong..
who say.."why the hell do u think so much idiot!?!" when I bug them with my stupid thoughts..
who say "one more tear and I will kill you" when i cry..
who tell me "love your smile"  to cheer me up...
And for all those whom I trust to be always there for me!!

For them I am predictable enough and they are for me...yet there are always so many surprises awaiting us...............

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What "SHE" feels- The other side...

The sweeter you are too me, the more I yearn for it..the more normal things get, the more complicated it feels..the more you talk to me, the more I think about you..why in the world am I in such a situation? I don't want to admit the truth. The truth that I want you to hate me, I want myself to hate you-the person whom I liked so much once..& deep inside I think i still do!!

Its just it was so difficult to get to a place where I can ignore you but I keep on losing that position....I have been dawdling in this phase of my life..controlling my emotions, my heart..& I just don't know what I want..I seriously don't...!

I am uncertain..I feel all that I should not..why is it difficult to be myself with you? Why can't you be just another guy for me when I am just another girl..? Just a friend..not much into your life..! Its hard for me to concentrate on other things....I am not able to think properly, one moment I am happy & suddenly I am again lost...!! I don't wanna be a baby..I don't want to be vulnerable..I can help myself..but its just your support that makes life so damn easy....without any hurdles..!

I often tell myself to look for a life without you...I believe I can do much better without you..aim higher..achieve more..but that is just for a brief time and then my heart makes me come back again & again.............................

Monday, July 4, 2011

Being Human..

Small things often make life so beautiful reminding you that its not a complicated web of problems after all..!! A 20 min nap in the bus refreshes you and vanishes your tiredness, a 10 min talk with your best friend with whom you can just talk about anything, about whatever you feel renders you happiness...the adorable smile which an innocent baby returns when you smile at him and the satisfaction you get when you think you are doing something right in your life..
It is so moment its all so simple..everything falls into place like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and suddenly in another moment it becomes all haphazard..!

For us, socialization is a very important factor affecting our life as people around us matter a lot.Talking of people, Homo sapiens across the world are available in so many varieties that it is almost impossible to put them into categories. But still sometimes you ought to trust yourself being worthy to at least try doing so. 

Apart from the varied physical appearances (which actually does not matter much) every individual has a different & a unique psychology, which is a very intricate and interesting topic indeed..!! What surprises me the most is the way we handle every individual around us.For some, we are open books, some people can never understand us, some can never be understood, & in case of some we don't even try to understand.. 

No matter what is the status of a person in our life, every individual with whom we interact plays a role in our life in some way or the other. Among these people, there are ones who always inspire us, motivate us, show their faith in us..our mentors...our parents and teachers..! Then, there are the ones we can talk to, who can understand us well, can be trusted & with whom we share our thoughts..a friend..a companion! And then a few lucky people meet that someone..that special ONE!! Though I consider "the ONE" story as something which does not happens so often in reality..but sometimes it is just amusing to let yourself be in that fantasy world where "the ONE" exists..!  

Our amazing journey revolves around these people...who make our lives easier and simpler.. providing a new experience on every turn..the happy ones give us motivation while the sad ones make us strong..! And of course, the search for the special ONE is always on..;)